Meet Firewalla!
A Complete Cyber Security Solution
You need just one Firewalla to protect every single connected device at home. This tiny box contains the same cyber security technologies used by many large enterprises. It will provide one-for-all continuous protection from crippling cyber attacks even as new threats evolve.

Easy To Install
Up-and-running, as easy as 1-2-3! Zero frustration
- Connect your Firewalla to a power source and your main router.
- Launch the app on your mobile device and scan the barcode.
- Monitor and Manage your device from anywhere in the world with military strength encryption.
- No password is required.

Easy To Use
Cyber security shouldn’t be complex and intimidating. We believe with the right software, cyber security can be made as simple as tapping on a few buttons.
Introducing the Firewalla iOS App, which is already available in the app store.

- Access your Firewalla device around the world with strong encryption.
- Get notified on security and behavioral alerts.
- Many of the important functions can be activated with just one tap!
- With your generous support, we will make the Android app soon!

Let Firewalla Help You

- Risk Report: Perform automated security scans, and report any device that shows potential risk.
- Device Discovery: Keep an inventory of all the devices on the network.
- Analytics: Advanced behavior analytics that tells you what is going on in your network.
It Is A Working Solution
We are proud that we already have the first batch of products done, the mobile app has been available since December 2016, and the whole solution has been on trial in many homes already.
Technologies Behind Firewalla

Advantages of Open Source and Open Hardware
- Ensure our solution is long-lasting.
- Give our supporters and customers full visibility of our daily work.
- Customers can directly submit issues to our engineering team.
- If you are a developer, we welcome you to help out!
- Ensure our platform is always affordable.
Unlimited possibility with new functions
The Firewalla platform is engineered to be highly extendable. The flexibility we put into our designs allows us to deliver future features ten times faster than our competitors. Since our device code is open source, anyone can build features alongside us!
Some of the features we are thinking about in the near future (with no additional cost)
- TOR Proxy for anonymous browsing
- VPN client
- DNSCrypt to protect your privacy
- Shadow Socks, a great VPN solution for certain part of the world
Leverage the power of cloud technology
The cloud constantly learns from all the connected devices and actively uses this knowledge to automatically mitigate attacks by sending updates to all connected homes through encrypted channels.
We value your privacy
We believe in data encryption and you have the key! All data stored and in transit is encrypted with keys stored on your device and phone.
Our servers will work only with hashed data like this:

An Affordable Solution for Everyone!
Our goal is to make cyber security affordable. How affordable? We are going to make the Firewalla device FREE! It is on us! All that is required to activate the solution is a monthly membership fee of $9. (That’s about 30 cents a day.)
As a reward to our early adopters, we will offer a Firewalla VIP package with lifetime membership for a super-low one-time price! This is exclusive to Kickstarter and limited in quantity, not available in retail.
International: If you live outside of USA/Canada, and still want a Firewalla, please send us a message. We can make limited exceptions to EU/Australia/Singapore/Mexico (maybe other countries, let us know).
Functions at a Glance

Production Timeline

Tech Specs
- 100 Mbit Software Packet Processing
- 512 Megabyte DDR RAM
- Quad Core ARM CPU
- iOS App (released)
- Android App (Coming in November 2017)
- Please check router compatibility here.